accessYour personal access token, create your own on the Jawg Lab. This is filled automatically when you get the library with our CDN or @jawg/js-loader.
boundarySet of options to restrict your forward geocoding to specific regions. It will filter out all locations outside the configured boundaries.
const boundary = {
countries: 'fra',
circle: { lat: 46.842269, lon: 2.39985, radius: 500 },
rectangle: {
min: { lat: 43.032582, lon: 5.097656 },
max: { lat: 49.006466, lon: 26.762695 },
gids: ['openstreetmap:island:relation/966358']
clearAdd a clear cross on the right side of the input.
debounceSet the number of milliseconds to wait before sending search requests.
If you press Enter
the search will be immediately validated.
This option works only when searchOnTyping=true
focusSet of options to prioritize your forward geocoding to specific regions. All locations in these regions will have a better ranking.
const focus = {
countries: 'fra',
point: { lat: 46.842269, lon: 2.39985 },
gids: ['openstreetmap:island:relation/966358']
focusSort results in part by their proximity to the given coordinate.
Coordinates can be static or dynamic through a function. The radius is 50km and cannot be changed.
Replaced by FocusOptions.point
The <input>
to transform into a geocoding search bar.
This can be either an id (e.g. #my-input
), class selector (e.g. .my-input
) or the HTMLElement.
With some frameworks/UI libs such as React, you can't use the ref here.
languageReturn results in a specific language using BCP47 standard (e.g 'en', 'fr', 'de', ...). By default, we use HTTP Header set by the browser and English when not present.
layersRestrict your search (forward and reverse) to specific layers. You can get only addresses or administrative areas for example.
minSet the minimum number of characters to trigger a geocoding request.
If you press Enter
the search will be validated even if the length is not reached.
This option works only when searchOnTyping=true
noSet a custom message when no results are found. This can be disabled.
onCallback triggered when the input is cleared.
onCallback triggered when the user click on a result.
onCallback triggered when the result list is closed/cleared.
onCallback triggered when Jawg Places API returns an error.
onCallback triggered when Jawg Places API returns without error.
placeOption to activate Place Details detection within the input.
You can paste one or many GIDs in the input.
The separation can be either ,
(comma) or
const place = {
enabled: true,
geometries: 'source'
resultThe custom <div>
that will contain the geocoding results.
By default the container is created by Jawg Places JS.
With some frameworks/UI libs such as React, you can't use the ref here.
reverseOption to activate Reverse Geocoding detection within the input.
You can paste coordinates in the form {lat}/{lon} in the input.
The separation can be either /
(slash), ,
(comma) or
const reverse = {
enabled: true,
radius: 5,
searchSet this to true
to activate search on typing, this will also use autocomplete
Default value is false
, you will need to press Enter
to validate your search.
showShow icon on the left side of each results.
sizeSet the maximum number of results for forward and reverse geocoding.
sourcesRestrict your search (forward and reverse) to specific data sources. You can get only OSM or WOF data for example. This is not recommended.
Options to configure a Places JS instance for a HTML
Options for JawgPlaces.Input